Kamis, 15 Januari 2009


It was post-Cold War, various discourse speculations tried to catch various social problem roots that will emerge. Huntington, stubbornly, offered civilisation's paradigm in an effort to analyse the root of the world conflict. As the response to the Fukuyama thesis, that the history ended, Samuel Huntington believed that humans in the future as hard as possible will defend the existence of his culture. [1]
Indeed could not be denied, that various conflicts that have emerged in recent times originated in the difference of individuals's conviction in certain civilisation. And that the terrorism discourse started from this assumption. But, bring up and dramatised the problem of civilisation not significant resolved or analysed various social problems, but will increasingly obscure the meaning from the task of the intellectual in striving for the social change.
Instead of fought for oppressed individual independence, the intellectual's modern discourses in fact increasingly pushed the authority to disarm and rape the freedom of individuals through new symbols. On behalf of the religion, the country, the race, the nation and the ideology in fact through democratic jargon and human rights, the modern discourse motivators forgot the task of the intellectuals as the liberation agency.
The beginning of the beginning of this nervousness, especially, began with the view shackle of universalism as well as collectivism in considering the problem as social. We almost had not questioned, has the philosophical paradigm exact that has we with now?
The Modern paradigm: Universalism and Collectivism
In recent times sprang up various views epistemologis, good positivism, phenomenology, structuralism, hermeneutika, historic materialism and and up to postmodernism. All the currents epistemologis this grew fertile with various followers. For the young, various alternatives to this choice became “The solution” for the search for the intellectual that would not kunjung ended. On the hands of the young intellectuals, in the future, various scientific paradigms will grow and spread the area as the modern paradigm.
What was the function of various paradigms? It was clear, the paradigm simply was our spectacles in an effort to gaze at the world. A paradigm was the implement for the intellectuals to read all the scientific problems as well as humanity. The paradigm gave the foundation of the view, the assumption, the procedure as well as the criterion concerning how the scientific truth ought to be gained.
Strengthened the concept of the Individual and the Action in Kolektif Unity
Once more must be remembered, in the study of our social sciences discussed humankind as well as the community. What was ignored by the modern paradigm was that himself forgot the actual individual formed collective that was acknowledged as the family, the community, the country, the nation and even civilisation. The modern paradigm speculated concerning matters that were universal. They forgot the important meaning of the individual action. If being paid close attention to, the case of the discourse that was brought forward by Huntington as well as other social discourses, was still being shackled by the universalism discourse with analysis means of the historic argumentation. As if what happened in the past will happen in the future. Each argumentation had a basis in the historic data. They perhaps forgot, that a history incident was resulted in by good individual actions specially, by chance or typically. [2]
If being investigated, the look method like this was indeed not free from the influence of the philosophical view certain. The historic study that was used to predict the future became the typical characteristics mazhab Germany. This view spread to various parts of the world and has become the truth conviction for
The example that was extreme towards the concept of the action, the aim and the method, could be paid close attention to from the newest report from the expert Primatology, Jill Pruetz. Pruetz researched for four years against the life of the Fongoli chimpanzee in Africa. The Fruetz discovery indeed made “merinding” some anthropology experts.
Because therefore, then could be said that, apart from humankind, evidently the Fongoli chimpanzee group for a long time had “budaya” special. In the Fruetz findings, the chimpanzee used the stick (a wood that were used by means of the javelin) to stab Bush baby. [4]
In spreading his discovery, Pruetz indeed found carelessness from the expert of the colleague's primatology. But not the case like this has been normal in the scientific discovery.
The New challenge In liberating the Individual
Was contrary towards the assumption universalianisme, that the forthcoming conflict was the conflict between collective unity that one towards other collective unity. But what happened in our everyday life was the actual conflict happened between the individual to various collective concepts that penetrated in himself.
In other words, various forms of the dogma, the doctrine, the conviction, and even the raging cult in fact the root of various social problems. Therefore, the collective concepts in fact not representative from the real goal the individual in a collective. This concept simply was the construction of the good authority the ideological authority and the authority of the intellectual.
Really very ironic, in fact sad, if in modern that was it was considered independent, still was gotten by individuals that really believed that by carrying out the violence and the murder on behalf of the conviction made him become the holy noose and feel himself struggled on the truth. That he was the representative from the defence counsel was by chance absolute certain. By believing in this matter, the life of the individual lian will not have the meaning if compared with the interests of collective unitary idealism that became his conviction. Most of our communities indeed still were living on the cult and the dogma.
The only road to take off all that was through the liberation program. Meaning that, for the intellectuals, the task in fact was to formulate the point of view that more far concerning individual independence.
The struggle to defend the freedom of the individual, the abandonment, the free market and minimised all the forms of the government interference was the point of view actually from the free intellectual. [5]
Although the liberation teaching has for a long time emerged, but very few that could carry out or spread with the point of view that

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